mardi 28 décembre 2010

Testify! Acts 22

I am praying through the 28 chapters of the Book of Acts, one chapter per day, for my New Testament church. I post these prayer points on my blog as a resource for those who desire to not just read about the power and growth of The Church, but want to see it manifested today in their own New Testament church. Dare we believe it? Then let's pray it!

Day 22/ Chapter 22
FATHER, according to Your Word and the principles of Acts 22...

* We rejoice Lord that, regardless of the contempt we may have shown your name in our past, you intersected the path we were on and revealed yourself to us!  Like, Paul, may we be willing to tirelessly TESTIFY of Jesus, regardless the personal cost.   (v. 1-14)

* Forgive us that we do not TESTIFY to what we have seen and heard in our community to the degree we should. Let us follow the example of the Early Church believers who were willing to do so despite criticism, ridicule, persecution, torture or martyrdom. (v. 15-24)

* When our Pastor attempts to TESTIFY to any 'untraditional' direction that the Holy Spirit has spoken to him and led him to take us, may every religious spirit in this House be exposed. (v.21-23)

* The Apostle Paul knew his civil rights and voiced them to authorities. In an increasingly godless culture where government attempts to legislate our civil rights as Christians, may we know our rights, voice them, and exercise them! Give special boldness all students on public school campuses around this community to TESTIFY!  Help the church equip students to know they can not legally be prevented to appropriately use the classroom, their writing, or public assembly as an opportunity to share their faith. Let their message not be hindered because of ignorance of their rights by them or those in authority over them. If this happens, we ask that they will be released by those who attempt to come against them and violate their rights. (v. 25-30)

We agree,
in the Name of Jesus
and according to Your Word.