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As the church today is taken through unchartered waters of ministry, may we say as Peter did, "Who am I to think I can stand in God's way?" (Acts 11:17) |
I am praying through the 28 chapters of the Book of Acts, one chapter per day, for my New Testament church. I post these prayer points on my blog as a resource for those who desire to not just read about the power and growth of The Church, but want to see it manifested today in their own New Testament church. Dare we believe it? Then let's pray it!
Chapter 11
FATHER, according to Your Word and the principles of Acts 11...
* As You take our leaders into unchartered waters in the ministry of this church, may all their decisions and conclusions be based on what You have said in Your Word or through your servants. As Peter realized, may we all ask ourselves: "Who am I to stand in Your way [of doing something new] because it seems 'unorthodox' to me?" If our leaders are seeking you, and if where they take us aligns with the Word and principles of God, forbid any of us to stand in Your/ their way! May those who are cautious gather accurate facts from leaders as to how God has led, and having heard, cease with their objections. (v. 15-18)
FATHER, according to Your Word and the principles of Acts 11...
* As You take our leaders into unchartered waters in the ministry of this church, may all their decisions and conclusions be based on what You have said in Your Word or through your servants. As Peter realized, may we all ask ourselves: "Who am I to stand in Your way [of doing something new] because it seems 'unorthodox' to me?" If our leaders are seeking you, and if where they take us aligns with the Word and principles of God, forbid any of us to stand in Your/ their way! May those who are cautious gather accurate facts from leaders as to how God has led, and having heard, cease with their objections. (v. 15-18)
* Get us off the pew and out of our clics and scatter us, Lord! And as we go to those you send us to, let Your hand be upon us and a great number of people believe and turn to the Lord. (v. 19-21)
* Raise up more of those like Barnabas--encouragerse full of the Holy Spirit and faith who will come alongside our leaders. Forge solid ministry partnerships among our leaders, that they will teach, equip and disciple great numbers of people. (v. 22-25).
* May we follow the model of the Early Church believers and provide help for our brothers and sisters worldwide as we are able. (v. 27-30)
We agree,
in the Name of Jesus
and according to Your Word.