mercredi 29 décembre 2010

Coexisting Without Compromising: Acts 25

 "[Paul's accusers] simply had some points of disagreement with
him about their own religion and about a dead man, Jesus, whom
Paul asserted to be alive." --Festus, Governor of Judea (Acts 25:19)
I am praying through the 28 chapters of the Book of Acts, one chapter per day, for my New Testament church. I post these prayer points on my blog as a resource for those who desire to not just read about the power and growth of The Church, but want to see it manifested today in their own New Testament church. Dare we believe it? Then let's pray it!

Chapter 25
FATHER, according to Your Word and the principles
of Acts 25

* May the doctrine of The Church be clear: the points of disagreement concerning Christianity and other religions are not minor. Christ is not simply a dead prophet as some would argue, but the Resurrected Savior of humanity.  While we must seek to peacefully coexist and can disagree respectfully, may we not be blinded with an opposing theology that says these differences are minor and resolvable, as Festus believed to be true when ruling over Paul's trial. (v. 16-19) And give us, God, the resolve and readiness of the Apostle Paul to testify respectfully, but without compromise.

Just as the Lord stood beside Paul in his jail cell and told Paul he would testify about Him in Rome before Caesar, we will be led by Him to know where we are to go and to whom we are to testify! And just as Paul was persistent despite the obstacles in getting to Rome and before Caesar, may we be persistent to pursue and fulfill that call. Give us favor with all those who are in the position to open those doors for us.  "You have appealed to Caesar, to Caesar you shall go." (v. 10-12) 

* May our testimony be so compelling that others would say, "I also would like to hear this testimony." (v. 22)

We agree,
in the Name of Jesus
and according to Your Word.