I am praying through the 28 chapters of the Book of Acts, one chapter per day, for my New Testament church. I post these prayer points on my blog as a resource for those who desire to not just read about the power and growth of The Church, but want to see it manifested today in their own New Testament church. Dare we believe it?
Chapter 7
* Give us the courage and resolve of Stephen to face accusers with truth and trust God with the outcome. (v. 1-50)
* Forbid it that we would know the law and the word, but are stiff necked and resist the Holy Spirit because our hearts and ears are not yet circumcised. (v.51)
* May we be mindful that the Most High God does not dwell in houses made by human hands (v. 48), but in the hearts of those who would received Him.
* Let us stop seeing ourselves as 'martyrs' when people offend, hurt, wound, maim or accuse us. Instead, let us consider Stephen, whose dying words while being stoned to death for doing no wrong, were: "Lord, do not hold this sin against them." May we have Stephen's pure heart and forgive others for infinitely less serious offenses than this. (v.59-60)
We agree,
in the Name of Jesus
and according to Your Word.