mercredi 29 décembre 2010

Paul The Pest: Acts 24

"We have found this man a real pest." Acts 24:5
I am praying through the 28 chapters of the Book of Acts, one chapter per day, for my New Testament church. I post these prayer points on my blog as a resource for those who desire to not just read about the power and growth of The Church, but want to see it manifested today in their own New Testament church. Dare we believe it? Then let's pray it!

Day 24/ Chapter 24
FATHER, according to Your Word and the principles of Acts 24...

* Let it be known that the only ruler of nations through which we attain peace is Jesus; the only providence by which reform will be carried out for this nation is the providence of God. (v. 1-3)

* The Apostle Paul was referred to as a 'pest' and ringleader of dissension for proclaiming Christ. Let us remember that the very name of Jesus will invite dissension, irritation and criticism by some. Forgive us for using "peace at all cost" as an excuse to be passive about our faith. (v. 5)

* Like Paul, when asked to speak, let us cheerfully make our defense when we are falsely accused, calmly presenting the facts that can be verified by witnesses. (v. 10-15)

* Let us always do our best to maintain a blameless conscience before God and before men so that when we give our defense, our character and reputation will serve as our best defense. (v. 16)

We agree,
in the Name of Jesus
and according to Your Word.