* When Jesus told believers they would be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the outermost parts of the earth, could they have imagined they would not go on their own initiative but would be scattered there as a result of threats of persecution and murder? (v. 1), (v.4) What will it take for us to leave our 'walled city' in 'our Jerusalem' (the four walls of our church) to be His witnessess? Persecution? Scattering? Oh God, we are too comforable in our pews! Whatever you must do God, scatter us so that we will go and share the Gospel!
* What would You do in The Church worldwide today, God, if we prayed for the modern day Sauls who persecute and murder Christians? Surely in the Early Church there were those being persecuted by Saul who obeyed Jesus' Sermon on The Mount teaching to "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." And if prayer brought the conversion of Saul of Tarsus to the Apostle Paul, who would you set on the Road to Damascus if we prayed? (v. 1-3)
* As with Philip, when we proclaim the Messiah and He heals, delivers and performs signs among us, may there be joy in this city! (v. 4-8)
* Be magnified so greatly in this city, God, that those who seek the great power of God will recognize the one true God in light of any counterfeit. (v. 9-13)
* Let those whose hearts are not right before God have no share in the ministry of this House. (v. 21)
* May we be so in tune with the voice of your Spirit, Lord, that like Philip, we will respond and go to a specific place, at a specific time, to speak a specific word to a specific person, for Your specific purpose! How many opportunities are missed by us regularly because we are not listening and obeying those nudges; or worse, not believing you speak specifically to us today. (v. 26-36)
We agree,* What would You do in The Church worldwide today, God, if we prayed for the modern day Sauls who persecute and murder Christians? Surely in the Early Church there were those being persecuted by Saul who obeyed Jesus' Sermon on The Mount teaching to "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." And if prayer brought the conversion of Saul of Tarsus to the Apostle Paul, who would you set on the Road to Damascus if we prayed? (v. 1-3)
* As with Philip, when we proclaim the Messiah and He heals, delivers and performs signs among us, may there be joy in this city! (v. 4-8)
* Be magnified so greatly in this city, God, that those who seek the great power of God will recognize the one true God in light of any counterfeit. (v. 9-13)
* Let those whose hearts are not right before God have no share in the ministry of this House. (v. 21)
* May we be so in tune with the voice of your Spirit, Lord, that like Philip, we will respond and go to a specific place, at a specific time, to speak a specific word to a specific person, for Your specific purpose! How many opportunities are missed by us regularly because we are not listening and obeying those nudges; or worse, not believing you speak specifically to us today. (v. 26-36)
in the Name of Jesus
and according to Your Word.